DesignSeries03262.pngSetting geolocation preferences


Workspace: Tool set


Architect and Landmark: GIS

Spotlight: Event Design

To set the preferences for geolocation:

Click the tool.

Click Preferences to open the Geolocate Preferences dialog box and specify the preferences.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Background image options

Determines the resolution of map and satellite images; select Automatic to download an image based on the drawing area’s size and zoom level, which determines how many pixels to display on the screen. The map image is based on the number of horizontal pixels. (Very high-resolution displays do not increase the number of pixels requested, as this could overload the servers with too many pixels requested and prevent the download.)

Select Custom to enter the number of horizontal pixels for the image source (the vertical pixels are automatically calculated based on aspect ratio).

A high Custom resolution could result in performance issues, since the background image takes up the entire background of the drawing. The map quality may be poor or it may not be able to be downloaded, particularly for high-resolution requests over a small area.

Search service

Specifies the service to use when in Search mode. The current server URL and the name of the service displays; click Select Service to choose a different service.

Map mode service

Specifies the service to use in Map mode. The current server URL and the name of the service displays; click Select Service to choose a different service.

Satellite mode service

Specifies the service to use in Satellite mode. The current server URL and the name of the service displays; click Select Service to choose a different service.

Select the resolution for the background image, and then choose a service for each of the search, map, and satellite modes by clicking Select Service.

The Select Service dialog box opens. Depending on the service, you may be required to log in.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Download content from


ArcGIS portal

From the list of available portals, select a portal that contains content created with an ArcGIS product; a number of selected portals are available by default.

Under the Portal list, select a category of service: basemap, portal content, ArcGIS Living Atlas, or ArcGIS Online. The portal content list allows you to select your content, favorites, or content from your organization when you are logged in.

To customize the Portal list, select Manage the list to open the Manage Service or Portal List dialog box. The list of available services and portals, their names, URL, and types of service displays. From there, click Add URL and enter a URL to add to the list, click Edit URL to edit a selected URL, or click Delete to delete a selected URL. In the Manage the list dialog box, you can reorder the list of URLs available from the Portal list by clicking and dragging in the # column.

If the selected portal requires a login, click Login. The login process varies, depending upon the portal or service.

Web service

Select from a list of available web services, such as third-party servers that may be hosting content or map services, or company servers. The name of the service and the type of service displays.

Similar to the ArcGIS portal, the items available from the list can be customized by selecting Manage Service or Portal List.


Enter one or more terms to filter the list of services

Select a web service

Displays the services available from the portal or service selected

Service Parameters

Displays the parameters of the selected service. Click on the parameters to see any details about the service in the Geoservice Details dialog box.

Once the image options and the services have been selected, click OK. The Geolocate tool uses the settings and selected services for its modes.

Geolocating the drawing


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